In" cities and villages Development Bank", we look forward with hope and optimism to upgrading all the services provided by the bank, especially electronic, through continuous and diligent work on developing the features of the bank's website, through which we seek to provide the necessary tools and means of communication to spread and exchange knowledge, in order to enable the bank to communicate with
In order to achieve the Royal vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II towards transparency and excellence in government performance, we are constantly working to develop and modernize all the services provided by the bank. In this context, we are pleased to launch the new portal, which is based on modernization and innovation as part of the overall strategy in introducing the next generation of products and services that are an urgent need to keep pace with the development, in line with the core values and Development Goals of the bank.
Customers and visitors to the site will be able to familiarize themselves with the general policy of the bank and to keep abreast of the development of various projects, services and programs implemented in the service of the local authorities, as well as to follow the plans of the progress of transactions, instructions in force in the various departments of the bank,