يحرص بنك تنمية المدن والقرى على تحسين وتطوير نوعية الخدمة التي يقدمها لكم/ن , وليتمكن البنك من تقديم ماهو أفضل , نرجو تعبئة هذه الاستبانة لنتشارك معاً في الوصول للتميز في مستوى خدماتنا.

( سيتم التعامل مع ملاحظاتك بسرية تامة )

The first criterion : the level of the bank's cooperation with a partner
Easy access to the places, locations and departments of the bank
The bank is keen to respond to your requirements and suggestions
The bank fulfills all obligations to partners on time
The bank takes into account the interests of partners when making decisions related to the provision of its services
The partnership with the bank is in line with the objectives and strategies of both parties
The second criterion : the level of development on the services of the cities and villages Development Bank that affects the excellence of partner services
The bank provides advanced and creative services, which earns its partners added value
The bank has effective and sophisticated communication channels to communicate with its partners
The information provided is identical across all the different channels
The bank responds to your correspondence and inquiries quickly and effectively
The framework and boundaries of the partnership relationship between you and the bank are clear and defined
The bank will involve you in future plans and initiatives related to your work
The third criterion: the level of efficiency of the performance of bank employees, the direction of assuming their responsibilities and dealing with partners
The bank provides accurate, updated and developed information
The bank works to facilitate access to information for all partners
The bank conducts its business transparently and clearly
The procedures and mechanisms of joint business with the bank are clear and shorten the time
Fourth criterion : the level of efficiency of the bank's employees ' performance, the tendency to assume their responsibilities and deal with partners
The bank's employees and systems enjoy flexibility in dealing to ensure the provision and development of services
Fifth criterion : bank branches
How satisfied are you with the level of cooperation of the branch in accomplishing joint works in your region
The branch is keen to respond to proposals and business requirements
The branch is keen to provide information and facilitate access to it for all partners
The branch is keen to respond to correspondence and inquiries received from you quickly and effectively
sixth section is public opinion