Dear employee/dear employee
Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you

We hope to kindly grant the bank a few minutes of your time to fill out the questionnaire, which will be reflected on the development of the bank's work performance and raise the level of services provided to the employee.

Personal Information

First section: satisfaction with the bank's policies
The bank engages employees when preparing, reviewing and developing Its policies and strategic plans
The bank adopts specific and declared principles and standards to ensure transparency And equal opportunities among its employees when applying human resources systems
The bank applies a system based on specific criteria to evaluate the performance of employees Periodically, the results of the evaluation process are shared with you transparently.
The bank applies a mechanism to measure employee satisfaction periodically and Study, analyze and publish its results transparently
The bank takes improvement measures based on feedback From its source (meetings, complaints, suggestions Employee satisfaction surveys)
Second section: Satisfaction with Leadership
Leadership promotes a culture of excellence in the bank by encouraging employees To participate in the processes of continuous development and improvement
Leadership encourages teamwork by forming work teams The committees thus provide an appropriate environment for the exchange of information and ideas.
Your direct manager treats you with respect, fairness and transparency and takes Your thoughts and opinions
Leadership uses specific methods and channels to communicate with employees
Is the functional substitution methodology periodically followed in Your directorates / departments
Third section: empowerment and employee engagement
The bank approves a job description for the employee that includes responsibilities Required tasks, qualifications and skills
The bank will involve you in the preparation of business plans and policy review And the mechanisms of work and their simplification, which achieve a strategy, vision and mission The bank, including human resources procedures
Leadership empowers employees and gives them the powers associated with the nature of Their work at all administrative levels within the bank
The bank encourages and supports employees to submit ideas Creativity and participation in the processes of continuous development and improvement
Fourth section: training and development
The bank makes the new employee aware of the regulations and laws And the instructions approved in the bank and see the code of professional conduct
The bank implements plans to identify training and development needs For employees
The bank is keen to train and build the employee's capabilities and develop His/her skills through specialized training courses ,workshops، Seminars, etc
The bank periodically holds awareness workshops on administrative concepts Various such as Knowledge Management, Project Management, Risk Management، Concepts of discrimination and others
The bank reviews and develops training programs
The bank is working to determine a career path for the employee and provides opportunities Career development
Fifth section: communication and communication
The bank provides effective periodic mutual communication between all Internal and external parties through (meetings, meetings، E-mail and others(
The bank implements policies to encourage employees to share knowledge And information.
The bank provides computers and systems that ensure access Employees and stakeholders are provided with the correct and timely information Appropriate for the completion of work and tasks.
Sixth section: satisfaction with the work environment
The bank's management provides a safe and healthy working environment for employees ( Heating-ventilation-furniture )
The bank applies special programs for the well-being of employees such as (activities Social, sports and cultural (
The bank applies a flexible program in determining working hours and commensurate With working hours according to the civil service system
The bank maintains the confidentiality and security of information and data related to Employees/at
Seventh Section: satisfaction with motivation and appreciation of employees ' efforts
The bank applies a system to motivate and reward employees ( thank you Books, financial rewards )
The bank adopts specific and declared criteria and principles to ensure the application of the principle of fairness and transparency in the granting of bonuses and incentives
Eighth section is public opinion
General satisfaction ratio
General satisfaction ratio